February 2, 2016
There is a widespread view that people who work for record labels don’t care about music. But actually, people here at Legacy are obsessed with music! So here is Sony Spotlight – an inside look at the people working within our label plus details about their stories, souvenirs and more!
Jon Cauwood has worked in sales and catalogue for over 23 years…
Well Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie and Elton John I would consider life time artists and take up a large part of my music collection, but I have to mention Led Zeppelin, The Clash and well, so many are now coming to mind, I best stop right there. And I could do a very long list of country artists. Bowie’s recent passing was such a sad moment for so many people, but knowing so many people are discovering or re-discovering him again is a great tribute to his Legacy.
– Bruce Springsteen River 1981 shows at Wembley Arena
I remember Bruce from 29/5/81 opening with Born To Run and the place erupting. Also recall hearing him do Prove It All Night (my favourite track at the time) in the soundcheck. Got there stupidly early! Bruce still is the greatest live show around and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing him around the world many times. Looking forward to seeing him again soon, whenever, wherever that is, hopefully on The River tour, which was the tour I first saw him on in 1981.
– The Clash Wirrina Stadium Peterborough 1978
I can remember the Clash opening with Safe European Home on their ‘Sort It Out Tour’ and 1500 people going mental. Biggest pogo pit I had ever seen! I still have the show on a cassette. I suppose this show had the most effect on me and really made me want to be in a band. Not sure what happened there though!
– David Bowie Rock City Nottingham
Bowie I remember clearly, he walked on, with no announcement, with just an acoustic guitar and then we heard the opening chords of ‘Quicksand’. This was the tour for Earthling, his drum and bass album, so it was a real shock from what I was expecting. Only 1500 or so in the venue and he played many classics. Sad to know I’ll never see him again perform.
– Rage Against The Machine Rock City Nottingham
This show was in the bar at Rock City, around 250 people and their first ever UK show. It was the nearest thing I’d seen since the Clash, having the most unbelievable energy and Zack being an incredible frontman.
– Garth Brooks, The Wynn, Las Vegas
A one man show and a one off memory.
Bruce Springsteen ‘Darkness On The Edge of Town’
After that there’s about 100 in second place. Favourite albums really do change over the years and you just have to revisit one and its back up there. So I will leave my number 1 album on a pedestal of its own.
Well the first album I owned was David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust. I can’t really remember how I came to own it. I’m pretty sure I didn’t steal it! The first album I bought was from Andy’s Records on Bridge St in Peterborough. It was Ted Nugent’s first solo album and is an absolute rock classic. It cost £2.19! I then went onto work at Andys for several years.
Has to be my Pearl Jam ‘Yield’ Road sign!

Competition time!

Curating some of the most significant music in the history of the world is an awesome responsibility. Once again we’re proud to present the men and women who answered the call, this week Video Project Coordinator, Aimee Durham.
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Sony Spotlight: Matt Milton
As we continue to profile the fine men and women entrusted with Sony Records’ musical legacy, Music For Nations’ Matt Milton comes under the Sony Spotlight…
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Sony Spotlight: Jess Salter
Once again it’s time to put names and faces to some of the hard working men & women safeguarding Sony Music’s amazing catalgoue. This week it’s the turn of Digital Marketing Intern Jess Salter, find out what makes her tick…
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Sony Spotlight: Julie Weir
Welcome back to our continuing series, shining a well-deserved spotlight on the fine men and women tirelessly curating the most amazing music ever made.
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Once again it’s time to meet more of the tireless men and women below decks, striving to keep the good ship Sony Legacy safely on course. May we introduce Campaign & Range Manager Oli Cameron.
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Sony Spotlight: Sean Mackey
Come and meet the men and women slaving tirelessly behind the scenes at Sony Legacy – this week it’s Marketing Assistant Sean Mackey…
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Sony Spotlight: David Goosen
As we continue our series examining the devoted men and women shedding blood, sweat and tears for Sony Legacy, we have the immense privilege of introducing you to Digital Marketing Manager David ‘Goose’ Goosen…
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Sony Spotlight: Sarah Grant
In our continuing series highlighting the fine men and women of Sony Legacy, may we present Video Project Manager Sarah Grant…
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Sony Spotlight: Lou Stirna
As we continue to turn the spotlight on the devoted men and women of Sony Legacy, please meet Lou Stirna from Sony’s Learning and Development team…
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